Friday 27 May 2016

The Amazing Of Oxyginberry Essence

Morning dear,

It's a beautiful Saturday morning. This is my house pot sunflower. I love sunflower as it's always inspiring, brings great energy and hope to life.

Another great news to share with you.

Normally, when someone has a wound, 1 thing for sure is to speed up the wound healing process.

Because when the longer it takes, it will cause infection and scar.

When we ask Doctor, how we can speed up the wound healing process?


So, what does it means?

It means your best Doctor in the world is your IMMUNE SYSTEM


This friend actually had a bad fall during a bus ride. So, please be careful.

Good news is this friend already knows the science of Nutritional Immunology and adopt Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle.

Her Immune System is ready to do repairing.

Within 1 week, her wound become...

Below is her sharing.

You may ask me what's OB Essence?


The main formulation of OXYGINBERRY ESSENCE are cactus, cactus fruits, ginseng berry, grape seeds, seaweed and rose. It will nourish our cells and speed up the process of wound healing. You can apply on your skin daily to keep your skin moisture for whole day.

Why keep your skin moisture is important? 
When your skin is lack of moisture, you will experience dry skin. Dry skin is a skin type that is related to oil production. Excessive of oil production will give you skin problems such as clog your poles, pimples, and  acne breakouts. Therefore, oily skin has a terribly negative effect on self-esteem as well as body image. Greasiness and shine often outweigh acne concerns. Oily skin is both uncomfortable and cosmetically unacceptable.

When you apply OXYGINBERRY ESSENCE, it will well absorb into deep layers your skin. It will nourish  and staying hydrated. As time goes by, your skin will become more and more radiant.

Do you know what is the most beautiful clothing in the world?
For me HEALTHY SKIN is the most beautiful clothing in the world,  how about you?

Whatsapp me, Fei Ling, at ( +65)  9298 7852 for further information about OXYGINBERRY ESSENCE.

"When you become grateful for small pleasures, your outlook changes and opportunities seem to open up everywhere in your life."

Best regards and thanks,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.

Contact me: +65 9298 7852


Dry skin is a skin type that is related to oil production. - See more at:

Dry skin is a skin type that is related to oil production. - See more at: will well absorb into your deep layer of skin, therefore as time goes, your skin will become more and more radiant. 

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"When you become grateful for small pleasures, your outlook changes and opportunities seem to open up everywhere in your life."

Best regards,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.
Contact Me: +65 9298 7852