Saturday 6 August 2016

It took me 40 years to look this good!

My friend, which side do you see first at first glance?

A princess or an old woman?

Regardless of which side you look at first glance, we will grow old one day. Our body will change internally and externally. Why?

Where we can find collagen in our body?

After  25 years old, our collagen level decreases drastically !

And we will become

As we breathe, digest and move, our body undergoes metabolism and continuously produce free radicals. Free radicals are the main culprit in causing aging and modern lifestyle, continuously exposing us to contaminated environment, air pollution, food additives, heavy metals, smoking, unhealthy diets, stress and irregular work hour accelerate  the aging process. 

So, how to slow down our aging process? By consuming abundance of ANTIOXIDANTS, the enemy of free radicals. For your information, only plants contain antioxidants. 

This photo took in 2009. I was 31 years old. I'm mother of 2 kids. At that time my kids, Beverly, 5 years old  and Benjamin, 3 years old.

OXYGINBERRY launched in 2007. I started to consume Oxyginberry since it launched.

It seemed like no much difference after taking 2 years of OXYGINBERRY.

There are so many temptations in the market. For example by consuming animal placenta that promise to give you a quick result or just with 1 injection, you can be wrinkles free for months. The seller claims no side effects at all and the testimonials are so amazing.

I never doubt on their fantastic testimonials sharing, however the most concern me is what are the side effects and the dangers these products pose in future. You might not feel the side effects now, but how about in future?

Do you agree we, as a human are more sophisticated than animal?

According to the nonprofit organization Environmental Working Group, the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood.

"Five years ago Molly and Zachery Gray were in the midst of a dark, lonely spiral. It began with Molly's first miscarriage. "It was a really emotional process of being so joyful and so happy and ready to make that step into parenthood and that being pulled away from you," said Molly, 32. "[The pregnancy is] happening and all of a sudden it's gone. It's really hard."

After a second miscarriage the Grays were on a desperate hunt for answers. After Molly got pregnant a third time, she heard about a small study to test the blood of pregnant women for chemicals. She signed up.

Despite her best efforts to avoid anything unhealthy while she was pregnant with her son, Molly's blood tested high for mercury, a heavy metal that can cause brain damage to a developing fetus.

"It's really scary and disheartening," said Molly. "Somehow my son was being exposed to mercury and that's a weight to carry because I feel like our jobs as parents is to protect them, to care for them, to nurture them and to keep them out of harm's way."

Scientists at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health in New York City have been following hundreds of pregnant women over the past 12 years to measure chemicals entering the womb during pregnancy."

Do you think animal can protect their placenta free of toxic contamination better than us?

For me, OXYGINBERRY is my best choice to slow down my aging process. With younger immune system, our body function great in performing defence against bacteria/viruses infection, detox efficiently and do repairing on damage cells effectively, .

OXYGINBERRY contain ginseng berry, cactus, cactus fruits, grape seed, rose and seaweed. Different plants contain different antioxidants. Each type of antioxidant has its unique function. With right plants combination, it will produce synergy effect for our body  

Most important is OXYGINBERRY is formulated based on the science of  Nutritional Immunology.  Through Nutritional Immunology wisdom, we know which species, parts, time to harvest and the plants synergy effects that will benefits our immune system to safeguard our health.

Our body need time for cells rejuvenate.

This year, I just celebrated my 40 years old. This is my recent photo.

My dear friend, only through a right knowledge we can be wise consumer. Let us age gracefully.

We're what we eat!

For more details about OXYGINBERRY, please send your email to my gmail address or contact me at +(65) 9298 7852.

"When you become grateful for small pleasures, your outlook changes and opportunities seem to open up everywhere in your life."

Best regards and thanks,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.

Contact me: +65 9298 7852

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"When you become grateful for small pleasures, your outlook changes and opportunities seem to open up everywhere in your life."

Best regards,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.
Contact Me: +65 9298 7852