Tuesday 5 July 2016

Why NI Lifestyle?

What is Nutritional Immunology? 

The relationship between our daily diets and your immune system, the best doctor in the world. We're what we eat. What are the right nutrition to nourish your immune system?

I'm grateful for ...

Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. Found out more, how your thought will indirectly  change your body, as up to 60% of our body is water.

Why walking 10,000 steps daily?
When we think about exercise, we always give ourselves  a lots of excuses why we can't do it.
Good news is actually, all you need is to count your steps everyday.

Case Study: 10,000 Steps Challenge
  • The Body-Brain Performance Institute conducted a study on 40 employees who work at Global Software Company.
  • The group was required to take 10,000 steps a day.  (On average office worker takes only around 2,000 to 3,000 steps every day.)
  • After 8 weeks, the measurable components of the subjects were analyzed. This included–brain function, alertness, energy levels, their ability to plan, remember, simulate future scenarios and decision making ability.
  • The study proved an association between vigorous physical activity and an increased brain function and reduced stress levels at work.
  • The group who took 10,000 steps daily showed a 2% improvement in their fitness level and brain function.
  • The study also revealed that a person’s bio-age (a number assigned in accordance to health and fitness) increased by 5 years, while the brain activity increased by 4%.
Conclusion: Walking 10,000 steps boosts productivity, improves brain function, decreases stress, and increases overall happiness.

My friend, let's look at the old people who still walking, are they healthier than old people who sit on wheel chair? 

“I am not a product of my circumstances. 

I am a product of my decisions.” — Stephen Covey

"When you become grateful for small pleasures, your outlook changes and opportunities seem to open up everywhere in your life."

Best regards and thanks,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.

Contact me: +65 9298 7852


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"When you become grateful for small pleasures, your outlook changes and opportunities seem to open up everywhere in your life."

Best regards,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.
Contact Me: +65 9298 7852