Sunday 28 August 2016

Virus Attacks!!!

Dear friend,

We heard Zika virus already found in Singapore and more cases to be identified. 

Besides Zika virus, actually we been exposure many types of viruses such as Marburg virus , Ebola virus , HIV,  Smallpox , Influenza , Dengue, Rotavirus, SARS, Bird Flu and etc.  

Can we use antibiotics to treat viruses infections?

Antibiotic only effective  for bacteria infection. However, overuse and misuse of antibiotics will cause SUPERBUGS.

Superbugs: What They Are and How You Get Them

WebMD Health News

Below are the differences between Virus and Bacteria

eg Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox

When people are first infected with the varicella-zoster virus, usually as children, they get chickenpox. Years or decades later, the virus can reactivate and cause shingles. Anyone who has had chickenpox is at risk of shingles.

Can Viruses Cause To Cancer?

About 20% of cancers are linked to viruses and about 80% of these cancers are of the cervix and liver.

Cancer is a disease of genetic change. Some viruses cause cancer by mutating the genome of the host cell. These mutations cause an uncontrolled replication of host cells, leading ultimately to the formation of malignant tumors.

Examples include the
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) which is a member of the herpes family and linked to Burkitt's lymphoma tumors; 
hepatitis B virus linked to hepatocellular carcinoma;
human immune deficiency virus (HIV) linked to Kaposi's sarcoma; and
human papillomaviruses linked to genital and cervical cancers.

 Is Vaccines Effective To Do Prevention?

When a bacteria or virus enters our body, our immune system responds by producing antibodies, which eventually leads to the invader's destruction.

Once immune response has a memory that can last a lifetime and this protects us from subsequent infections by the same bacteria or virus. Vaccinations are based upon this theory. Vaccines are usually made using dead or weakened bacteria or viruses to trick our immune system into producing antibodies against them. Common vaccines include those for polio, tetanus, chicken pox and influenza.

However, viruses mutate quickly making vaccine development a challenge for scientists. This is why flu vaccines must be taken yearly to protect against new virus strains. Vaccines are generally safe, however there are concerns that some vaccines may cause chronic diseases such as insulin dependent diabetes, autoimmune illnesses and allergies.

What is the best prevention for Viruses Infection?

Equip yourself with science of  Nutritional Immunology, my dear friend. Only with  a right knowledge, you can safeguard your health.

Dr. Jau Fei Chen is committed to continue to raise health awareness to mankind.

This coming September, you can meet Dr Chen in person - Live With Dr Chen on 10th September 2016,  2-4 pm, Singapore. The event will hosting with a series of  Questions and Answer (Q & A) session for health.

Take Personal Responsibility For 

Your Life And Your Happiness. 

Nothing has value when you 

lose your health.

You can contact me at +65 9298 7852 for ticket reservation. Act fast, contact me as the tickets are selling fast.

"When you become grateful for small pleasures, your outlook changes and opportunities seem to open up everywhere in your life."

Best regards and thanks,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.

Contact me: +65 9298 7852






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"When you become grateful for small pleasures, your outlook changes and opportunities seem to open up everywhere in your life."

Best regards,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.
Contact Me: +65 9298 7852